Cheapest 2002 GMC Yukon XL Insurance Rates in 2024

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Jeffrey Johnson

Insurance Lawyer

Jeffrey Johnson is a legal writer with a focus on personal injury. He has worked on personal injury and sovereign immunity litigation in addition to experience in family, estate, and criminal law. He earned a J.D. from the University of Baltimore and has worked in legal offices and non-profits in Maryland, Texas, and North Carolina. He has also earned an MFA in screenwriting from Chapman Univer...

Insurance Lawyer

UPDATED: Jun 5, 2023

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Our insurance industry partnerships don’t influence our content. Our opinions are our own. To compare quotes from many different companies please enter your ZIP code on this page to use the free quote tool. The more quotes you compare, the more chances to save.

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Want better auto insurance rates? Drivers have options when trying to find the best price on GMC Yukon XL insurance. You can either waste hours struggling with agents trying to get quotes or leverage the internet to make rate comparisons.

There are both good and bad ways to find auto insurance online and you need to know the best way to get price quotes for a new or used GMC and get the cheapest rates either online or from local insurance agents.

It’s a great practice to compare prices periodically since rates go up and down regularly. Even if you got the best rates for Yukon XL coverage six months ago the chances are good that you can find a lower rate today. So just block out anything you think you know about auto insurance because I’m going to teach you how to use the internet to save money, get proper coverage and the best rates.

The purpose of this post is to instruct you on the best way to quote coverages and some tricks to saving. If you are paying for car insurance now, you will be able to save some money using this information. Consumers just need to understand the proper methods to get comparison quotes over the internet.

How to Get Cheap Insurance

All the larger insurance companies such as State Farm and Allstate quote insurance quotes online. This process is quite simple as you simply enter your required coverages into a form. After you submit the form the system orders your driving and credit reports and returns a price quote based on these and other factors.

This makes it a lot easier to compare rates but the work required to visit many different websites and fill out multiple forms can be a bit tiresome and repetitive. But it’s very important to perform this step if you want to find the best price possible.

The quickest way to get multiple rate quotes is to use a quote form that obtains quotes from a lot of companies. This type of form saves time, requires less work, and makes online quotes much more efficient. Immediately after you send the form, your coverage is rated and you are able to buy any one of the resulting price quotes.

If one or more price quotes are lower than your current rates, you can simply submit the application and buy the new coverage. The entire process takes 15 minutes at the most and you’ll know if lower rates are available.

To quickly compare rates using this form now, click here to open in new window and fill out the form. To compare your current rates, we recommend you enter the insurance coverages as shown on your current policy. This ensures you will receive a rate comparison based on similar coverages.

Complexity of GMC Yukon XL insurance rates

It’s important that you understand the different types of things that go into determining your insurance coverage rates. Understanding what controls the rates you pay enables informed choices that can help you get big savings.

Listed below are some of the factors insurance coverage companies consider when setting your rates.

  • Allowing your policy to lapse raises rates – Having an insurance coverage lapse will be a guaranteed way to bump up your insurance coverage costs. Not only will rates go up, getting caught without coverage can result in a steep fine or even jail time.
  • What are your deductibles? – The deductibles define the amount you are required to spend out-of-pocket if you file a covered claim. Coverage for physical damage, commonly called comprehensive (or other-than-collision) and collision coverage, covers damage that occurs to your car. Some examples of claims that would be covered could be running into the backend of another car, vandalism, and burglary. The higher the amount the insured has to pay upfront, the bigger discount you will receive for Yukon XL coverage.
  • Policy add-ons can waste money – There are a ton of additional coverages that can waste your money on your Yukon XL policy. Coverages like rental car reimbursement, accident forgiveness and motor club memberships are some examples. They may seem good when you first buy your policy, but if you don’t need them get rid of them and save.
  • Where you live can impact rates – Being located in less populated areas can be a good thing when insuring your vehicles. Fewer people means fewer accidents. Drivers who live in large cities regularly have much more traffic to deal with and much longer commute distances. Higher commute times means more change of being in an accident.
  • Occupation reflects on rates – Did you know your occupation can influence how much you pay for insurance coverage? Careers like real estate brokers, social workers and accountants are shown to have higher rates than average due to stressful work requirements and lots of time spent at work. On the flip side, professions such as farmers, athletes and performers pay the least for Yukon XL coverage.
  • Too many insurance coverage claims drive up costs – Insurance companies give lower rates to policyholders who are claim-free. If you file claims often, you can look forward to higher rates. Insurance coverage is designed for larger claims.

Be sure to get all your discounts

Properly insuring your vehicles can get expensive, but you may find discounts to help bring down the price. Certain discounts will be applied when you complete an application, but lesser-known reductions have to be requested specifically prior to getting the savings. If you don’t get every credit you deserve, you are throwing money away.

  • Anti-lock Brake System – Cars that have steering control and anti-lock brakes can avoid accidents and qualify for as much as a 10% discount.
  • Sign Online – Certain companies will give a small break simply for signing online.
  • No Charge for an Accident – Certain companies will allow you to have one accident before your rates go up if you are claim-free prior to the accident.
  • Student Driver Training – Require your teen driver to take driver’s ed class if it’s offered in school.
  • Pay Upfront and Save – By paying your policy upfront rather than paying monthly you could save 5% or more.
  • Homeowners Pay Less – Simply owning a home can help you save on insurance due to the fact that maintaining a home demonstrates responsibility.
  • Multiple Vehicles – Insuring multiple vehicles on one policy can get a discount on all vehicles.

A little note about advertised discounts, most discounts do not apply the whole policy. A few only apply to individual premiums such as collision or personal injury protection. So when it seems like you can get free auto insurance, companies don’t profit that way. But any discount will reduce your premiums.

Car insurance companies who might offer some of the above discounts include:

  • State Farm
  • Progressive
  • 21st Century
  • American Family
  • The Hartford
  • AAA

Double check with every prospective company what discounts are available to you. Some discounts may not be available everywhere.

How do I know if I need professional advice?

When buying the right insurance coverage, there really is no single plan that fits everyone. Coverage needs to be tailored to your specific needs.

Here are some questions about coverages that may help you determine if your insurance needs would benefit from professional advice.

  • I have health insurance so do I need medical payments coverage?
  • How much liability do I need to cover my assets?
  • Why do I only qualify for high-risk insurance?
  • Does my insurance cover my expensive audio equipment?
  • Should I buy full coverage?
  • Do I benefit by insuring my home with the same company?
  • Will my insurance pay for OEM parts?
  • Which is better, split liability limits or combined limits?
  • Do I need motor club coverage?
  • Is my GMC Yukon XL covered if I use it for business?

If you can’t answer these questions then you might want to talk to a licensed agent. To find lower rates from a local agent, fill out this quick form. It only takes a few minutes and may give you better protection.

Educate yourself about car insurance coverages

Knowing the specifics of car insurance can help you determine the best coverages at the best deductibles and correct limits. The terms used in a policy can be ambiguous and even agents have difficulty translating policy wording.

Collision coverage protection

Collision insurance pays for damage to your Yukon XL resulting from a collision with another car or object. A deductible applies then your collision coverage will kick in.

Collision coverage pays for claims such as damaging your car on a curb, driving through your garage door, hitting a parking meter and hitting a mailbox. Collision coverage makes up a good portion of your premium, so consider removing coverage from vehicles that are older. Another option is to increase the deductible to save money on collision insurance.

Comprehensive or Other Than Collision

This coverage covers damage OTHER than collision with another vehicle or object. You first must pay your deductible and the remainder of the damage will be paid by comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive insurance covers claims such as fire damage, theft and damage from flooding. The most a car insurance company will pay at claim time is the actual cash value, so if the vehicle is not worth much it’s not worth carrying full coverage.

Medical costs insurance

Med pay and PIP coverage pay for short-term medical expenses such as ambulance fees, hospital visits, doctor visits, dental work and X-ray expenses. They are used to cover expenses not covered by your health insurance plan or if there is no health insurance coverage. It covers not only the driver but also the vehicle occupants and also covers if you are hit as a while walking down the street. Personal Injury Protection is not available in all states but it provides additional coverages not offered by medical payments coverage

Liability insurance

Liability coverage will cover damage or injury you incur to a person or their property in an accident. It protects you from claims by other people, and doesn’t cover your injuries or vehicle damage.

It consists of three limits, bodily injury for each person, bodily injury for the entire accident, and a limit for property damage. You might see policy limits of 25/50/25 which stand for $25,000 in coverage for each person’s injuries, a total of $50,000 of bodily injury coverage per accident, and a limit of $25,000 paid for damaged property. Alternatively, you may have one number which is a combined single limit that pays claims from the same limit rather than limiting it on a per person basis.

Liability coverage protects against claims like court costs, pain and suffering, legal defense fees, repair costs for stationary objects and medical expenses. The amount of liability coverage you purchase is your choice, but buy as high a limit as you can afford.

UM/UIM Coverage

Your UM/UIM coverage gives you protection from other drivers when they either have no liability insurance or not enough. Covered losses include injuries sustained by your vehicle’s occupants and also any damage incurred to your GMC Yukon XL.

Since many drivers only purchase the least amount of liability that is required, it only takes a small accident to exceed their coverage. For this reason, having high UM/UIM coverages is very important. Most of the time these coverages do not exceed the liability coverage limits.

A little work can save a LOT of money

As you go through the steps to switch your coverage, make sure you don’t buy lower coverage limits just to save a few bucks. In too many instances, someone dropped liability coverage limits and discovered at claim time they didn’t have enough coverage. Your strategy should be to buy the best coverage you can find for the lowest price.

We just showed you some good ideas how to reduce 2002 GMC Yukon XL insurance prices online. It’s most important to understand that the more you quote, the better likelihood of reducing your rate. Consumers may even find the most savings is with a small local company.

People leave their current company for a variety of reasons including lack of trust in their agent, delays in paying claims, poor customer service or even high rates after DUI convictions. Whatever your reason, choosing a new company can be easier than you think.

Additional articles

  • Car Insurance: When not to Skimp (
  • Reducing Your Risks in a Car Crash Video (
  • State Laws for Cellphones and Texting (
  • What is Gap Insurance? (Insurance Information Institute)
  • Insurance Losses by Make and Model (

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get cheap insurance for my 2002 GMC Yukon XL?

To get cheap insurance for your 2002 GMC Yukon XL, you can use the internet to compare rates from different insurance companies. Many larger insurance companies offer online quotes where you can enter your required coverages and receive a price quote based on various factors such as your driving record and credit history. Another option is to use a quote form that obtains quotes from multiple companies, which saves time and makes the process more efficient. By comparing rates, you can find the best price for your insurance coverage.

What factors determine insurance rates for my GMC Yukon XL?

Insurance coverage rates for your GMC Yukon XL are determined by several factors, including your driving record, credit history, location, age, gender, and the type of coverage and deductibles you choose. These factors help insurance companies assess the risk associated with insuring you and your vehicle. It’s important to note that different insurance companies may weigh these factors differently, so it’s beneficial to compare rates from multiple companies to find the best deal.

Are there any discounts available for my car insurance?

Yes, there are various discounts available that can help you lower your car insurance premiums. Some common discounts include safe driver discounts, good student discounts, multi-policy discounts (if you have multiple insurance policies with the same company), and anti-theft device discounts. Additionally, some companies offer loyalty discounts for long-term customers. It’s important to ask each insurance company about the specific discounts they offer and whether you qualify for any of them.

How do I know if I need professional advice for my insurance coverage?

The insurance coverage that is right for you depends on your specific needs and circumstances. If you’re unsure about the coverage options or have specific questions, it may be beneficial to seek advice from a licensed insurance agent. They can assess your situation and provide personalized recommendations to ensure you have the appropriate coverage. You can fill out a quick form to connect with a local agent who can help you find lower rates and better protection.

What are some important car insurance coverages to consider?

Some important car insurance coverages to consider include

  • liability coverage
  • collision coverage
  • comprehensive coverage
  • uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
  • and medical payments coverage.

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